FPGA Images
FPGA Images Available
Alorium offers several different FPGA images that can be loaded onto XLR8, Snō and Hinj. These images are updated as improvements and new Xcelerator Blocks (XBs) are developed, and may change or new image variants may be added as time goes on. Below is a list of FPGA images currently supported by Alorium. To learn about switching images, check out the video ‘Running XLR8 at 32 MHz’ or visit the ‘Alternative FPGA Images’ section of the XLR8, Snō or Hinj Quick Start Guides.
Learn how to create your own FPGA images and Xcelerator Blocks through OpenXLR8 here.

Version r2753. Available for 16MHz and 32MHz.
Xcelerator Blocks
- Enhanced Analog-to-Digital
- Floating Point
- 4 Servo on pins 0-4
- 1 Quadrature on pins 2-3
Version r2753. Available for 16MHz and 32MHz.
Xcelerator Blocks
- Enhanced Analog-to-Digital
- 15 NeoPixel on pins 0-14
Version r2141. Available for 16MHz and 32MHz.
Xcelerator Blocks
- Enhanced Analog-to-Digital
- Floating Point
- 12 Servo Control on pins 0-11
- 15 NeoPixel on pins 0-14
Version r2753. Available for 16MHz and 32MHz.
Xcelerator Blocks
- Enhanced Analog-to-Digital
- Floating Point
- 12 Servo Control on pins 0-11
- 15 NeoPixel on pins 0-14
- 6 Quadrature on pairs of pins 2-13
Version r2889. Available for 16MHz and 32MHz.
Xcelerator Blocks
- Enhanced Analog-to-Digital
- Floating Point
- 12 Servo Control on pins 0-11
- 15 NeoPixel on pins 0-14
- 6 Quadrature on pairs of pins 2-13