In The News

All Hail the Evo Compute Module
January 3rd, 2020
In addition to having the raw power of a SAMD51 32-bit ARM Cortex-M4 Microcontroller at your fingertips, the fact you can dramatically boost this processor’s performance with hardware acceleration in the form of XBs implemented in the Max 10 FPGA is really, really exciting.

FPGAs in the Arduino World: Use Alorium’s Snō Module for Both Preconfigured and Custom IP
May 1, 2019
…many design engineers are reluctant to use FPGAs, even though they’re a very useful tool in the design toolbox. To overcome this reluctance, some vendors are working hard to shorten the FPGA learning curve.

Ubidots: Ubidots and Alorium Technology partner to bring the power of FPGAs to the IoT
June 12, 2018

Getting Started with FPGA? Try the Arduino IDE Compatible Snō Module
May 22, 2018

The Arduino IDE - Compatible Snō Module Looks Like a Great Way to Get Started with FPGAs
April 30, 2018

Free FPGA-Based Arduino Clone Webinar
April 12, 2018

Seeing is Believing
May 4, 2016

XLR8 FPGA-Accelerated Arduino Clone Kickstarter is Live
November 12, 2015

'Arduino on Steroids': FPGA-based XLR8 at ESC Minneapolis
October 10, 2015

XLR8 Project Blends FPGA Speed with Arduino Coding
November 17, 2015

FPGAs & Arduino Drive Motor Control
September 12, 2019
For most engineering teams, the decision to use FPGAs comes after weighing parallelism and performance gains against programming pains.

Tiny $49 module brings FPGA boards to the mainstream
August 10, 2018

An FPGA in an Arduino? New MKR Vidor 4000 Board Brings FPGA Complexity to Non-EEs
May 29, 2018

Tiny Arduino + FPGA = Snō
April 30, 2018

What's the Best MCU to Drive NeoPixel/WS2812B-Based Applications?
April 16, 2018

Add Voice Commands to Your Next Project With Bluetooth LE
May 17, 2017

Capturing IMU Data with a BNO055 Absolute Orientation Sensor
March 22, 2017

The State of Boards: Small, Simple Hardware Rules
June 27, 2017

Free Webinar: Introducing the XLR8 FPGA-based Arduino Uno Clone
September 29, 2016
Although Arduino is an excellent platform for rapidly and inexpensively building new product designs, it is resource limited. Alorium Technology’s XLR8 board solves this problem in a cost-effective manner by integrating an Arduino-compatible processor into an FPGA with custom Xcelerator Blocks that significantly improve Arduino-based projects.
Tom Pomphrey
Dragonfly Software
…a rather cunning drop-in replacement for an Arduino Uno with a twist.
Max Maxfield
Editor, EE Times
… a serious tool for experienced Makers facing all sorts of problems
Alasdair Allan
Author, MAKE Magazine