by Jason Pecor | May 8, 2020 | Evo
It was a good week for seeing progress toward Evo production! Our manufacturing flow is getting more and more refined, and the boards coming off the line are working great. Here’s a panel of three Evo boards that were manufactured yesterday: Our engineering team...
by Jason Pecor | Mar 9, 2020 | Evo
Last week, we posted a short video on our YouTube channel that provides a first look at the FPGA block diagram for the Evo M51 board. You can watch the video here: Or just glance at the block diagram here: There are a number of low-level details not shown in this...
by Jason Pecor | Mar 3, 2020 | Evo
Whoa! Has it been over 2 months since our last update here? Time files! Development and testing for Evo has been going great, and we are steadily moving toward starting production in late March / early April. Like many companies in our industry, we are seeing delayed...
by Jason Pecor | Dec 23, 2019 | Evo
The additional castellated vias on Evo M51 are a big benefit to the this board footprint, significantly expanding the I/O capabilities of the board. However, for the purposes of prototyping and early product design, they can admittedly be a bit challenging to work...
by Jason Pecor | Dec 20, 2019 | Evo
New PCBs arrived this week, and they are working great so far! Lots of development happening to allow the SAMD and FPGA to work together as transparently as possible, and we’ll provide more updates on that as our testing and development...