XLR8 Kickstarter Update

Our XLR8 Kickstarter campaign officially closed last night. If you are one of the 145 backers that pledged support to our project, thank you very much for your willingness to help! Unfortunately, we did not hit our funding goal. And while that is a disappointment for...

XLR8 on Make: and NeoPixel Acceleration

I just have a couple of quick updates I wanted to share with you today:  XLR8 on Make: Alasdair Allan posted a very nice introduction to the XLR8 board on the Make: website earlier this week. ​He shared a bit about his experience and impressions with the Floating...

ESC Minneapolis and Another Magnificent Mention

We are just over a week into our Kickstarter campaign, and things are going great. Lot’s of good interactions with backers and others that have taken interest with our board. If you have not seen it, yet, you can check out our Kickstarter project page here. Here...

XLR8 Kickstarter Project is LIVE!

I am very excited to share the news that our Kickstarter campaign is now live! The project officially launched yesterday, and we cannot wait to see what happens over the course of the next month. CLICK HERE to head over to our Kickstarter page and check it out. Please...